Asian Photography – July 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
July 2019 - 51

Perfect Outdoor Couples’
Photo Session Scene – Golden
Hour and Backlit

It’s hard to beat a beautifully backlit
beachfront during sunset, but if this
ideal backdrop is unavailable, look
for these elements for an outdoor
 Shaded, evenly lit spaces
 Backlit spaces with natural
reflectors such as bright walls for
fill light on the couple
 Areas with clean and/or scenic

Here are some examples of perfect and bad indoor and outdoor scenes for couples session:

Bad Outdoor Couples’ Photo Session Scene –
Distracting Backgrounds

There will be times when your location offers limited
options in terms of providing a decent backdrop for a
couples portrait. While Shooting outdoor you must have
a solid understanding of angles, exposure, aperture and
composition. This will allow you to maximise the potential
of any environment.
You can also take these steps when faced with
photographing in less-than-ideal conditions outdoors
 Find the best achievable light - Even in unideal scenes,
there is likely a patch of shade in which you can
position the couple.
 In perfect scenes there is likely to be a patch of shade
in which you can position the couple.
 Choose a longer focal length – Shoot tight to limit how
much of the environment is revealed.
 Shoot at wide apertures (f/1.2 to f/2.8) – The shallow
depth of field will help draw less attention to the
surroundings and keep the focus on the couple.
 Increase dynamic range – Contain as much detail
as possible despite the bright highlights and deep
shadows present in the scene.

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