Asian Photography – July 2019

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tips and techs

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tips and techs

How to overcome

fear in PHotograPHy?

Part of photography, or any new hobby you learn, is overcoming limits. Sometimes
that means pushing your boundaries, getting out of your comfort zone, and doing
things that scare you a bit, or possibly even something which strikes fear right into
your very core.


vercoming fear in photography is much like learning
a new language in comparison. Learn Spanish or any
other language and you can only find progress pretty
quickly if you have the courage to speak it! Just spit things out
in spite of the fact that you may say something wrong, use the
wrong verb, tense etc. You must have noticed others in the
past had slower progress because they were slower to speak
the language with native speakers for fear of doing it wrong, or
looking stupid (or whatever the reason). So what is the answer
to overcome the fear in photography, or anything in your life in
general? Well it’s pretty simple. You literally just have to do it
Things you may have fear in regards to photography:

  1. You are afraid of using Manual mode

  2. You are afraid of photographing people, especially strangers

  3. You are afraid of ruining your photos in post processing by
    using Lightroom or Photoshop

  4. You are scared of sharing your work with others, or getting
    image critiqued

  5. Fear that you will never understand the theories of

  6. Fear that you don’t have enough time to dedicate to
    If you can relate to any, or all, of the points above – keep
    reading. You’re going to dive into some things you can do to
    help yourself get over these issues, and really move forward
    with the photography part of it.

Fear of using Manual camera settings
Manual Mode is something every beginners are fearful of,
so first of all know that you are not alone here. Secondly, if
getting off of the Auto settings and using Manual or adjusting
things stresses you out, know that you can always revert back
to auto in a pinch. You may have heard that some photography
teachers say that if you aren’t using Manual you aren’t doing
it right, you fail as a photographer, which is not entirely true.
Photography is a process, and it takes time to learn new
things. A digital camera is a complicated, complex and often

a confusing thing to get a handle on. You aren’t going to get it
overnight. So be patient with yourself, first and foremost.
Begin with one of your camera settings to start off with and
learn just that thing. Let’s say ‘white balance’. Put your camera
on Program mode (it is still mostly automatic, but it will allow
you to change some of the other settings, like white balance
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