Asian Photography – July 2019

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he idea is that we can’t always run according to the clock.
Why does time controls us, instead of we controlling
our time? Can we wake up without being harassed by
our alarms? Are we constantly checking the time, rather than
checking whether we are doing what we want to? Are we
trying to check more things off our To-do list, or are we trying
to do more meaningful things? Randomness is good and we
should embrace more randomness both in our lives as well as
in photography.
For example in photography, some of the best photos
come from the most unlikely spaces. Not only that, but being in
random places often yields the best shots. For example, a great
photograph can be made in your bedroom, your living room, in
your car, at the grocery store (waiting in line), or being bored at
the bus stop.

Randomness means chaos. Chaos means unpredictable.
You never know when a Perfect photo might present itself.
The solution? Use randomness to your advantage by always
being ready. Like a good fisherman. He dosen’t always know if
he is going to catch a fish, but he works hard and pays attention
to rods.
Creativity is one of the wonderful thing about the digital
photography you can invest your time in, once you copy your
images and import them in Photoshop. All kinds of effects can
be achieved to make your images look however you want them
to look. But how about in-camera techniques you can use to
create more innovative and creative shots?
Rules are made to be broken. One of the great thing about
the rules of photography is they can often be broken in pursuit
of achieving great results.

Add Randomness to

your Images

In today’s world, we want everything to be orderly. We want organisation, optimisation,
and efficiency. We want everything correctly labelled, categorised, and put in the “right
spot”. The sad thing is that in today’s world, we are told to become more and more like
computers everyday. We want to “upgrade” ourselves, we want to constantly improve,
and we have a fear of falling behind.

tips and techs

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