PhotoPlus The Canon Magazine – August 2019

(Michael S) #1

master your

canon lenses

How to shoot

with every lens,

from wide-angle

and telephoto

zooms to macro,

primes and


hat lens you pick to shoot a
subject, and how you use it, has
a massive influence on your
photographs. For example, the
focal length affects how much
of the scene you can include,
which in turn will influence the viewpoint
and composition. The apertures available on
your lens will affect the depth of field, and
will also determine the available shutter
speeds. Specific lenses also suit certain
subjects. A wide-angle lens is the natural
choice for landscapes, while for sports and
action you’ll almost automatically reach for

a telephoto. But should you use a zoom or
prime lens? Do you need fast lenses?
To help you get the best out of your lenses,
in the following 12-page guide we’ll cover all
types of lenses from wide-angles zooms to
primes, and telephoto zooms to macro
lenses, fisheyes to tilt-shift lenses. And
whether you use Canon, Sigma, Tamron or
Tokina lenses on your DSLR, our tips will be
relevant to you.
So read on how to discover everything
you need to know about your collection of
lenses, and camera and lens settings to
capture better results.




Adam Burton / robertharding
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