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n the western
horizon a thin
line of cloud in
an otherwise
unbroken blue
sky hovers over
the flat calm
Mediterranean, suggesting
land beyond. As Elba passes
to starboard the first jagged
peaks became visible. There’s
no doubt about it, sailing over the
seas to a distant island stirs the
imagination in a way flying in
never by EasyJet never does,
particularly when the island
in question is Corsica. As the
mountains rise out of the sea I
ponder; where to go, what to
photograph? With any new
destination it’s always a dilemma,
but in this case our plan is
stunningly simple; start from the
southern tip and work north.
Quaint, picturesque Bonifaccio
is incomparably situated atop the
sea sculpted limestone cliffs that
form the most southerly tip of
Corsica. It’s a fabulous sight that
sums up all we intrinsically feel
about the Med. The influence of
Italy, Sardinia, Sicily and the
African coast is tangible; to think
we’re in the same country as Calais
seems preposterous. Of course the
Corsicans would argue we’re not.
The view is undoubtedly
captivating, but there’s one major
problem; it’s facing the wrong way!
I’m looking north-west along the
coast to the town. At sun rise the
cliffs will be in shadow, at sunset
I’ll be looking straight into the
light. Short of swivelling the island
through 90 degrees or coming back
in the winter my options are
limited, but after much pacing
about to find the perfect vantage
point I’ve made a decision; we’ll
return at dawn when the very first
sunlight should bathe the haute-
ville, ramparts, Citadel and the hill
beyond with golden cross lighting.
Okay, the cliffs will be in shadow,
but in the soft low contrast light I
should hopefully be able to hold
enough detail there. It’s certainly
well worth trying.
The next morning I’m extending
the tripod legs on the cliff top in
the half-darkness. Out to sea a
bank of sea mist hovers as the sky
to the north east lightens and we
await the arrival of the sun. Out of
nowhere a light shower moistens
us. It’s not enough to give us grief
but I can’t work out where it’s
coming from; the sky above is
clear. Strange.
The first rays from the sun can
now be seen playing on the top of
the hill beyond Bonifacio. I wait as
the sun creeps down the slope.
Watching the light paint a scene as
atmospheric as this is one of the
most fundamental joys in life.
Out to sea a cruise liner is
inward bound. The rain is hovering
offshore. My pulse quickens; above
Bonifacio the faint colours of a
rainbow are just visible. I turn the
polarizer and the colours jump out
of the eyepiece. The vibrancy of the
violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow,
orange and red are increasing by
the second. I’m in heaven, but need
to calm down and make sure I nail
the shot. Shoot. Exposure okay?
As the sun slowly creeps up beyond
the captivating Bonifacio, France,
David Noton captures a rare moment
of pure serendipity...
Bonifacio, Corsica, France. 04:42am. 4th June 2011.
The beautiful moment a
rainbow glided gently over
Bonifacio, Corsica, France
lens Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Exposure 1/8 sec, f/11, ISO100
The view is undoubtedly
captivating, but there’s one
major problem; it’s facing
the wrong way!