The Canon Magazine 61
clean up your landscapes
Click the eye icon
of your duplicated
layer in the Layers
panel to compare
your progress to
the original as you
make your edit
Quick Tip!
01 Make a Duplicate layer
Open your image into Photoshop Elements by
heading to File>Open and double-click on your shot.
Now duplicate the photo layer by hitting pressing Ctrl/
Cmd+J or going to Layer>Duplicate Layer and bring
up the Layers panel by going to Window>Layers.
03 pick a part of your iMage to source
If you struggle to get the result you want with the Spot
Healing Brush you can use the Clone Stamp which
gives you manual control. Grab it from the toolbox and
then hold the Alt key and click on a part of the image
that you want to ‘source’.
05 Make a Manual patch
We can copy the fence from another area and drop it
over the exact area we need to cover. Use the Content-
Aware Move tool to draw around a ‘good’ area of fence
to select it. In the Tool Options make sure Mode is set
to Extend and Transform On Drop is ticked.
02 try the spot healing brush tool
To start we’ll try using the Spot Healing Brush tool
which is automated but generally does a pretty good
job. Grab it from the toolbox and keep the settings at
their default values. Resize the brush with the [ and ]
keys and paint over them.
04 use the clone staMp tool
In the Tool Options choose a soft-edged round brush
and an Opacity of 20%, then set an appropriate size
with the [ and ] keys. Zoom in to see what you’re doing
by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Plus a few times, then paint
over the offending area to replace it with your source.
06 fine-tune the patch to finish
Drag the selected area so it covers the ‘bad’ part of
your image. Before you finalize the patch you can drag
the outside corners of the bounding box, or hold Ctrl/
Cmd and drag the corners to get the fence poles to
line up properly, then hit Return to set it down.
sTeP BY sTeP remove people from your pics
Discover some basic and more advanced techniques to tidy up your landscapes
source PoinT