The Canon Magazine 65
focus stacking
affinity photo
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AFF iniTy Focus sTA cking TiP s
Get impressive back to front focus using Affinity Photo’s focus merge
01 Select your image Set
To Focus Merge, just open Affinity then go to
File>New Focus Merge. Click Add in the dialog box
and navigate to your set of focus-stacked photos.
Cmd/Ctrl-click on the files you want to select, then hit
Open to bring them into the New Merge.
03 check for iSS ueS
Once the merge is complete you’ll see the Sources
panel appear. You can use this to fix any blurry areas
if the merge has been unsuccessful. Zoom in close to
check for problems. In this case some of the details in
the plant aren’t as sharp as they could be.
05 clone the edgeS
Pick the photo in the Sources panel that contains the
sharper area, then click the Source Preview icon again
to return to the merged view. Grab the Clone tool and
set Opacity to 100 and paint over the blurry area to fix
it by cloning from other shots in the Sources panel.
02 Start the merge
Once you’ve chosen your images, hit Merge – this’ll
take a while. First the images are aligned to correct for
changes in subject size between each shift. Next a
depth map is created to find the sharp parts in each
frame, The sharp parts are merged together into one.
04 find SharPer detailS
Click the Source Preview icon at the bottom left of the
Sources panel to toggle it on. The view changes to
allow you to click on each image that makes up the
merge. Click through to determine if a sharper area
exists than the one on the merged image.
06 SharPen the detailS
Go to the Layers panel (View>Studio>Layers), then
hit Cmd/Ctrl+J to duplicate the bottom layer. Go to
Filter>Sharpen>High Pass. Set the Radius to about
2.5px, then go to the Layers panel and set the blend
mode to Overlay. Make other changes to finish off.
nexT monTh
uSing affiniTy
In general, an object
with smooth curved
edges like this results
in a better merges
than one with lots of
sharp-edged or
furry details
Quick TiP!