
(Chris Devlin) #1
Once the Chromecast APK has
finished downloading, boot up ES
File Explorer and navigate to your
device’s Download folder. Find the
Chromecast APK, tap it, and then
confirm that you want to install
Chromecast. Launch the
see several areas for entering text.


scanner:is_enabled. Tap the Value
field and enter True, then tap
Configure. When prompted, grant
#Configurator for Root superuser
permissions. Tap the Optional (Kill
processes) field, and enter the
chromecast.app. Tap Kill.

4 Kill option

The first time you launch your
Chromecast app after entering this
information into #Confi gurator for
Root, you should be greeted by a
‘Share your TV with guest mode’
screen. Read the on-screen
information, then tap ‘OK, got it’ and
you’re ready to start using
Chromecast’s guest mode.

Check the
guest mode


This is currently an experimental fix,
so make sure your device is fully
backed up before attempting it. You
should also take the time to read and
understand the full list of technical
requirements and known supported
devices at the XDA-Developers forum:

Back up your


Launch the browser and head to
http://bit.ly/1vWtFZe. Download the
Mirror Enabler APK. Once it’s fi nished
downloading, launch your fi le
explorer, navigate to your Download
folder, and give MirrorEnabler.apk a
tap. When prompted tap Install to
begin installing the app.

Install Mirror

Launch the Mirror Enabler
app and tap each of its three
Disabled buttons so they read
Enabled instead. When prompted,
grant Mirror Enabler the necessary
superuser permissions. But, before
your changes can take effect, you
will need to reboot your device, so
do this now.

9 Enable buttons
You are now ready to start
mirroring your device. Just launch
the Chromecast app and open its
side menu by right-dragging on the
screen. Tap Cast Screen, read the
on-screen instructions and then
you’re ready to start mirroring. All
you need to do to get started is tap
the blue Cast Screen button.

10 Cast your screen

If you don’t already have a fi le
explorer installed on your device
then open the Google Play store
and search for the free ES File
Explorer app. Download it and open
your device’s browser. Head over to
http://bit.ly/1HW1VM4 and then all
you have to do from there is
download the Chromecast app.


Free download pdf