
(Chris Devlin) #1

“A wave of new

tablets in the last six

months now offer a

credible threat to the

Nexus 7’s crown”


e’re well and truly spoilt as Android
users. We’ve got new tablets coming out
on a weekly basis, new updates
happening all over the place and more features
than you could shake an iPad at. But all of this
costs money and many of us don’t have the funds
to fork out hundreds of pounds on the latest slab.
Fortunately, budget tablets are becoming
increasingly commonplace in the Android
ecosystem and therefore we’ve taken it upon
ourselves to fi nd out which one is worth spending
your hard-earned cash on.

The Nexus line has long been the standout
contender in the budget tablet category. Although
the recent Nexus 9 has been priced nearer the
£500 mark, the Nexus 7 has gone unchallenged for
a over a year now and it’s testament to Google that
the device still holds up well today. However, a wave
of new tablets in the last six months look to change
this way of thinking and now offer a credible threat
to the Nexus 7’s crown. The Hudl 2, Gigaset QV830
and Smart Tab 4G have all been put under rigorous
testing in this group test to fi nd out if any of them
can dethrone the Nexus 7.

Group test

Nexus 7
Google’s Nexus 7 has been the king of all
Android tablets for sometime now and despit
increased competition, we’d still recommend
it above most other tablets. However, can it
hold off the latest wave of tasty tabs?

Tesco Hudl 2
Although it lacks a premium design, the Hudl
2 makes up for it with its abundance of
fantastic features and being ridiculous easy to
use. Avid Tesco shoppers will be able to use
their Clubcard vouchers to get up to £60 off.
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