Android Magazine 58 - 2015 UK

(Darren Dugan) #1
Google Now has been around
since 2012 and Android 4.1 Jelly
Bean. Since then it hasn’t really
evolved that much, apart from the
style in which your news bites are
delivered. However, because
there wasn’t much in the way of
headline-grabbing changes in
Marshmallow, something had to
be done. In line with
Marshmallow’s ethos, Google
Now hasn’t fundamentally
altogether changed the way it
works, but it has added an extra
layer of functionality that will
make the lives of Android users
much easier. Google Now on Tap
is the ideal companion to Android
Marshmallow as it is easy to use,
sorts out a number of previous
problems and, most importantly,
actually works! It might not be
entirely up and running, but it’s
already doing a better job.

The ability to tap
on a word and get
a web search about
that topic is a feature
that is currently only
available in Google’s Chrome
browser, so don’t go tapping and
holding in other apps just quite
yet. You do get the option to
perform a web search in certain
other apps, such as Gmail, but
this isn’t as quick or as well
designed as Marshmallow’s
headline function. Nevertheless,
the fact it is here at all is exciting
and shows Google’s
commitment to making little
tweaks to their existing products.
While Google Now On Tap is
quite possibly the best mobile
personal assistant on the market,
the fact it is an intelligent
extension of an existing Google
service is very Marshmallow.

Android Marshmallow is all
about making life easier for the
user. Doze and the new
permissions system are shining
examples of speeding things up
and optimising everything as
much as possible. Google Now
on Tap made use of Google’s
Advanced Neural Network (ANN)
to become a lot more intelligent
and intuitive. This is why it is able
to understand what you are
asking, even when you are being
massively and unhelpfully vague.
The program sends the request
through to Google’s servers
where it works out what you are
asking based on what is on your
screen or where you are. It then
relays the information to you
via a drawn-over Google
search without
exiting the app
you’re in.

Now, while you can only perform
general Google Now On Tap page
searches can be performed
anywhere. Press and hold on
your home button and the service
will search everything on screen
and give you a pop-up with the
results. It will also suggest what
apps you could open the
information up in. For example, if
you are on a webpage that’s
about Spectre, pressing and
holding the home button will
well as suggesting you open it in
the IMDb app, should you have it
installed. With Chrome custom
tabs and apps automatically
deciding which app is best for
you to open links in, Android
Marshmallow is taking a lot of the
thinking and navigation out of the
Android mobile experience.

Essential apps for Marshmallow «

Enjoy Google Now on Tap

In line with Marshmallow’s ethos, Google Now hasn't

fundamentally changed the way it works altogether



is set to cut off
several services in
the wake of the
Marshmallow update.
These are Moto Assist,
Motorola Migrate
and Motorola
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