Hacker Zøne
Rooting completely unlocks Android. It
makes the system fi les accessible so that
they can be altered or even completely
replaced. This opens up the phone to
literally any kind of hack or t weak. You can
install a new build of the A ndroid OS with
different features, fl ash a kernel to improve
battery life or add things like LG’s tap to
wake function. For Marshmallow
specifi cally, you can turn encryption off (it’s
now turned on by default with no option to
disable it) or confi gure the new Doze feature
that turns off background apps to reduce
their drain on the batter y.
Rooting also enables you to get more
control of permissions beyond what is
included in A ndroid 6.0, customise the UI by
adding tiles to the Quick Options pane or
increasing the volume from the phone’s
speakers. In short, almost any thing you
would like to change about A ndroid can be
done on a rooted phone, which is why the
quest for root on ever y Android dev ice
remains as popular as ever.
Why root your
new phone?
What do you gain from rooting your
phone? We take a look at the benefi ts
Do you still need to root?
Whatdoyougetfromrooting? Andarethereanyreasonswhyyoushouldavoidit?
Fastboot and ADB are command line tools that
normally come with the Android SDK. They enable
you to replace system fi les directly from your
desktop computer. If you don’t need the full SDK,
the tools can also be found online separately.
Fastboot and ADB
TWRP is a custom recovery. It enables you to
fl ash ROMs and perform full backups of your
system – an essential app for a rooted phone.
Read more and download it at twrp.me.
SuperSU is an app that is used while rooting that
enables you to manage which apps can access
root permissions once it is done. Get it from
download.chainfi re.eu/696/supersu.
You will need a command line tool on your
computer – or the Terminal on Mac or Linux – to
use many root methods or to restore your phone.
This is built in on your OS.
Command line
The root toolkit
There are a number of tools that are
essential to rooting an Android phone.
Some are device specifi c so check you
have the right version for your phone
before you get started. A lso, for all
beginners out there, one-click root tools
are worth tracking down.
You will access an
unrivalled number of
hacks and tweaks to
supercharge your phone.
Most new hacks come to
can improve battery life and
also get the most out of the
camera hardware.
6 he new permissions
controls and Doze
feature in Android 6.0
reduce the need for
XPrivacy and Greenify,
which are two of the most
operating system updates
are also harder to install.
rooting the Galaxy S6
is to step away from
Samsung’s heavy-handed
software interface in favour
of a more stripped back
ROMs use less RAM and
can make the phone faster.
Samsung’s security
protections could
potentially cause some
warranty issues. Replacing
the built-in software with a
stock ROM will lose many of
the unique features of the
phone, including native
Samsung Pay support.
Rooting the Z5
enables you to get rid
of some of the more
Sony-centric software on
the phone. You can also
replace some of the stock
apps with much more
functional alternatives.
Sony’s camera
software has many
unique features and these
won’t be accessible on a
rooted and hacked phone.
Rooting the Z5 is also tricky
and not advisable for the
less tech-minded user.
6 he OnePlus One
came with the popular
this as there are already
builds of the ROM available
for this budget phone.
6 here aren’t too many
downsides to rooting
Nexus, the bootloader is
easy to unlock and it won’t
affect your device’s warranty
- although bricking the
phone isn’t covered!
Nexus 5X and 6P
Samsung Galaxy S6
OnePlus 2
Sony Xperia Z5
can prevent
certain secure apps
from working. 6JG
Nexus still works, but
Android Pay might not.
Many banking apps also
won’t work on a
rooted phone.