Android Magazine 58 - 2015 UK

(Darren Dugan) #1
Hack your superphone «

Start flashing Flash recovery Flash SuperSU

Root the Nexus 5X

power and volume down buttons. Connect your
phone to your PC and launch the command line.
Change the directory to where fastboot is installed
and typeoem fastboot unlock.

Enter the bootloader
Unlocking takes a few seconds, so don’t
touch the phone while it completes, then reboot
device being unlocked and an open padlock icon
on the Google boot screen.

You’re unlocked
In Android enable the Developer settings by
going to Settings>About, then tapping the Build
number seven times. Now hit back and enter the
Developer options. Enable OEM unlocking and USB
debugging. You can now turn your phone off.

Enable unlocking

Check your build number. Go
to Settings>About phone and scroll
down. This guide is for build MDB08I.
Now download the modified boot
image,TWRP SuperSU

In the command line change
the directory to point to where you
saved the boot image. Connect your
phone and launch the bootloader,
then typefastboot flash boot boot.
img. Wait for the process to finish
before touching your phone.

TWRP file. Typefastboot flash
recovery [recovery-filename].img.
Then use the volume buttons to
boot into Recovery. Navigate to Wipe
and select Format Data. This wipes
your phone, including encryption.

Reboot the phone and move
quickly through the setup process
before copying the SuperSU fi le into
storage. Reboot back into Recovery
(power+volume down) and fl ash the
SuperSU zip. When you restart it will
be rooted and unencrypted.

The bootloader is a piece of software on a
computer that loads the operating system.
By default it is locked for security reasons. No
application or user can access the bootloader
and therefore cannot tamper with any of the
fi les in the OS. However, tampering with
system fi les is precisely what rooting and
hacking involves, so we need to unlock the
bootloader before we can do anything else.

Unlocking the bootloader wipes your
phone so it’s best to do it before you set the
phone up for the fi rst time, even if you don’t
intend to root straight away.
Unlocking in Marshmallow is slightly
different to older dev ices as you need to
enable it in Android fi rst. After it’s done,
you’ll also see a brief warning about the
unlocked state ever y time you boot.

Before you begin you
must unlock your phone’s
bootloader. Follow this
step-by-step guide

Unlock the Nexus bootloader

Get the fi les




doesn’t work
with encryption. If
you want to make
Nandroid backups or flash
ROMs you will need to turn
encryption off. You can still
use other root apps on a
rooted and encrypted
phone though.
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