Works with»Android 5.0Difficulty»Advanced
One situation where you might
particularly want to customise the
resolution of your device is if you are
connecting to a monitor or television.
Resolution Changer Pro (see step 4)
enables you to choose an additional
resolution to be applied when an
external display is connected.
TV or monitor
A lot of flagship devices now
resolution of 1440 by 2560 pixels.
As the name suggests, this is
Galaxy S6), it equates to around 577
pixels per inch. Even compared to
offers over 1.6 million
ditional pixels! While this
mely impressive, the
hat for many people
lly no visible
mall screen
HD and
nce and
or using
ensive apps,
al with so many
pixels can have a real
on the experience.
ankfully, if you are a user
ho is comfortable with some
elatively basic hacking of your
droid device, there are ways in
which you can revert to a lower
resolution. This can be done for the
OS as a whole or for some dev ices
on a per-app basis.
If you use a FHD dev ice already,
you can drop to HD in the same way
for similar benefi ts.
The resolution settings for
your device are stored in a fi le located
on the system partition of your
Android device that is read-only by
default. To edit the fi le, you have to
root your device. Before doing so,
ensure you have a way to return to
stock as editing the fi le may prevent
OTA updates from being applied.
Improve your
Hacker Zøne
Running your QHD device in full HD
mode can make a huge difference to
your device’s performance