Android Magazine 58 - 2015 UK

(Darren Dugan) #1

Power Nap is currently
available free as an Alpha release.
In order to download the app from
the Play store, you need to join the
Power Nap Google+ community at In the
community you’ll fi nd a link to join
the Alpha and a link to download
the application afterwards.

2 Join the alpha Install and enable
Power Nap Power Nap’s Endurance
Mode is the core of the product.
This mode stops wakelocks,
services and alarms from waking
the phone during its little sleep.
Everything is stopped by default so
you will likely want to customise the
mode’s confi guration in order to
whitelist your favourite apps.

4 Endurance mode

Power Nap’s Low battery mode is
used to disable functions in order to
save power when the battery level
hits a predefi ned value. Many
devices have this sort of
functionality built into the base
ROM, so this is not quite as useful
as the Endurance Mode.

The Low
battery mode


Low battery mode can be enabled
below a chosen percentage (20 per
cent by default) and can toggle
screen brightness, timeout, auto
sync, Wi-Fi, mobile data, Bluetooth
and vibrate functionality. Changes
are reversed when the chosen level
is crossed during charging.

Low battery

A bar graph icon in the
top-right corner of the screen in the
Endurance Mode settings page
gives access to the statistics view.
This view details which applications
have encountered wakelocks and
how many Power Nap has blocked.
This gives a good indication as to
how effective your settings are.

View statistics
Endurance Mode disables
everything when the screen is off by
default, with no exceptions. This
means that if you’re not careful,
you’ll sleep in the day after
installation because it includes the
alarm clock application! Make sure
you add it to the whitelist, together
with any other similar apps.

Be alarmed!
Power Nap works great with
other battery management apps
such as the GSam Battery Monitor,
BetterBatteryStats and Wakelock
Detector. This is in order to see
which apps are impacting your
battery. There’s also Amplify (also
an Xposed module) for blocking
other additional wakelocks.

10 Better together

After installing the Power Nap
application from the Play store, you
then need to load the Xposed
Installer app on your phone and
enable the Xposed module. After
you reboot and run Power Nap for
the fi rst time you will be prompted
to grant root access.


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