Android Magazine 58 - 2015 UK

(Darren Dugan) #1

Access brand new apps

before anyone else
To make sure an app is ready to be unleashed on
ld many developers will put it through a
hope that
l point out any
at have slipped
er’s net. These
re generally
ted, but you can
d them by joining
ommunity and
ning up to the
ta program. The
ps will be full of
ks, but you will be
t of the process of
ng them.

Make a wishlist
As you browse through the Play store, you might
come across a fi lm or book you want, but can’t buy
at the moment. Tapping on the triple-dot menu will
open up the option
to add that item to
your wishlist for
viewing later. This
wishlist can be
accessed by
dragging across the
main menu from the
left of the screen
then tapping on the
wishlist submenu.
This is a handy
addition that saves
you from trawling
through the Play
store all over again.

Friend-approved apps
Everything seems to have a social network angle
these days and the Google Play store is no
different. The side menu in the Play store can be
opened up to reveal
a submenu entitled
People. This will
enable you to see
apps, games and
movies that people
in your contacts list
have rated or
commented on. This
should give you a
much better idea of
the content of apps
you are thinking of
downloading if
people you know
have reviewed them.

things you need

to know about...

the Google

Play store

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