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CHAPTER 1: Setting Up Your Android App Development System 17

Once you click the Extract button, you will get a progress dialog, as seen in Figure 1-7, showing the
archived files being extracted into 1GB of data, spanning some 10,693 items, into dozens of folders
and sub-folders.

Once everything is extracted, which may take a little while depending upon the data access
(and write) speed of your hard disk drive and the computer processor speed, we’ll be ready to create
a shortcut for Eclipse.

  1. Once this extraction process is complete, open your OS file management
    utility; for Windows 8.1, this is called Windows Explorer, and is shown in use
    in Figure 1-8, with the Android 4.4 ADT Bundle showing as extracted next
    to the older Android 4.2.2 installation I used for my Pro Android Graphic and
    Pro Android UI book titles that I wrote back in 2013.

Figure 1-6. Edit the Target Installation Extraction Folder to place the subfolder into the C:\Android\ HDD folder

Figure 1-7. Detailed progress bar showing installation in Windows 8.1 using More Details option at 3% and 78%

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