Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

Ancient Mariner,” 57; in “To Christ
Our Lord,” 69–70. See also Animal
Deer: agency for, 45; in “The Most of It,”
137; in “Two Look at Two,” 137–38;
woman as hunted, in “Lyke as a
huntsman,” 43–45
Deleuze, Gilles, 121–23
Derrida, Jacques, 25, 181, 208n8; human-
animal distinctions and, 18, 43, 54, 56,
191; individual animals and, 123; new
categories of discourse for, 54–55; on
philosophy, 7
De Waal, Frans, 186, 198n 24
Dickey, James, 117, 211n42; animals as
poetry category and, 67–69; becoming
animal and, 68–69; “For the Last
Wolverine” by, 171–73; “The Heaven of
Animals” by, 67–68; “In the Mountain
Tent” by, 68; multihybrid for, 172–73;
“The Sheep Child” by, 170–71; therio-
primitivism and, 67
Dickinson, Emily: “A Bird Came Down the
Walk” by, 126, 129–31; literal animal
poetry influence of, 1; naturalism and,
105; “You’ll know Her—by Her Foot—”
by, 105–7
Divinity: animal as poetry category and,
70–71; cave paintings and, 71; “Jubilate
Agno” and, 125; “The Lamb” and, 91;
Levertov and, 211n49; in “The Taill of
the Wolf and the Lamb,” 34, 35
Dog: allegory and, 30; “Dream of Koa
Returning” and, 153; “A Slumber Did
my Spirit Seal” and, 151
“Dream of Koa Returning” (Merwin), 153

Ecocritics, 27
Edson, Russell: “Ape and Coffee” by,
189–90; “Ape” by, 190–91; “Where
Charity Begins” by, 191
Elegies, of animals, 149; criticism for,
152–53; “Dream of Koa Returning” as,

153; “The Mower” as, 151–52; “A Slumber
Did My Spirit Seal” as, 150–51
Elephants: in “Melanchthon,” 160–62,
212 n10; Wylie on, 13
Elizabeth Costello (fictional character),
198 n30; on allegory, 27; animal studies
and, 4, 13–14; on categorization, 18, 20;
on human-animal distinctions, 16–17;
on “The Jaguar,” 14–18; on kind and
species, 17
Environment-poem, 8
“Event, An” (Wilbur), 75–76
Extinction, 173; in “For a Coming
Extinction,” 77; rate of, 2–3; Wilson
on, 3

Fables, animal: allegory and, 28;
anthropomorphism in, 29; Flores on,
28–29; in Middle Ages, 29–30; Needler
on, 29; Palmeri on, 30; Renaissance
sonnet and, 43; Salisbury on, 28;
speaking animals in, 32; state power
and, 29; success of, 32; wisdom of
animal and human in, 32–33. See also
“Nun’s Priest’s Tale, The” (Chaucer);
“Taill of the Wolf and the Lamb, The”
Factory farm animal, 82; “Pigs” and, 165–67
“Feeding Time” (Kumin), 74
Fish: collapse of, stocks, 3; hierarchy of
animals and, 120–21
Fletcher, Angus: on allegory, 30; on
environment-poem, 8
“Flight of Birds, The” (Clare), 103–4
Flores, Nona, 28–29
“For a Coming Extinction” (Merwin), 77
“For the Animals” (Raab),
anthropomorphizing in, 71–72
“For the Last Wolverine” (Dickey), 171–73
“Four Motions for the Pea Vines”
(Ammons), 73–74
“Four Questions Regarding the Dreams of
Animals” (Stewart), 72–73
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