Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

Lives of Animals, The (Coetzee), 4, 15–17, 82;
animal slaughter in, 166–67;
categorization in, 20; complexity of
form in, 13–14. See also Elizabeth
Costello (fictional character)
Lopez, Barry, 33, 214n 28
“Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s
Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota”
(Wright), 179–81
“Lyke as a huntsman,” sonnet 67 (Spenser),
43; woman as deer in, 44–45
“Lyrebird” (Murray), 164–65
Lyric poems, 23; as autobiographical, 53;
“The Cuckoo Song” as, 87–89, 112–13;
individual animal poetry and, 26;
obscurity and, 89; romantic lyric form
and, 6

Malamud, Randy, 27, 198n24; on
Moore, 11; Poetic Animals and Animal
Souls by, 11–12; respect to animals
and, 13
“Man and Animals in Recent Poetry”
(Atkins): animal-oriented criticism in,
2; literal animal poetry in, 1–2
Mangum, Teresa, 3
Marvell, Andrew, 151
McHugh, Susan, 2
Medieval literature: Aesopic tradition in,

  1. See also Henryson, Robert
    “Melanchthon” (Moore), 212n10; comedy
    in, 160; instability in, 161–62
    Melville, Herman, 121–22
    Menely, Tobias, 45, 46
    Merwin, W. S.: “The Current” by, 77;
    “Dream of Koa Returning” by, 153;
    environmental and animal causes of,
    77–78; “For a Coming Extinction” by,
    77; “A Message to Po Chu-I” by, 77–79;
    The Shadow of Sirius by, 153
    “Message to Po Chu-I, A” (Merwin),
    Middle Ages, 29–30

Misogyny, 39, 51
Moby Dick (Melville), 121–22
Modernism, 18, 112
Monkeys, 65–66
“Monkeys, The” (Moore), 65;
culture and art in, 66–67; zoo and,
Moore, Marianne: abstraction and, 65;
hybridity and, 156–57; “The Jerboa” by,
108–10; Malamud on, 11; “Melanchthon”
by, 160–62, 212n10; “The Monkeys” by,
65–67; “The Pangolin” by, 110–12; “The
Plumet Basilisk” by, 157–59; speaking
animal for, 159–60; species poems of,
“Moose, The” (Bishop), 70, 138–39, 148;
emotion and encounter in, 140
“Morality of Poetry, The” (Wright),
“Most of It, The” (Frost), 137
“Mower, The” (Larkin), 151–52
Muldoon, Paul: defining species for, 84;
“The Hedgehog” by, 83, 118
Murray, Les: “Bats’ Ultrasound” by, 163–64;
“The Cows on Killing Day” by, 82,
165–66; “Lyrebird” by, 164–65; “On the
Present Slaughter of Feral Animals” by,
119–20; “Pigs” by, 165–66; “Presence:
Translations from the Natural World”
by, 163; “Raven, Sotto Voce” by, 165;
translations of, 162

Nagel, Thomas, 163, 192
National identity, 20–21
“Natural Linguistics” (Auden), 59, 60
Needler, Howard, 29
Negative capability, 7, 195
“Nightingale, The” (Coleridge), 93–94, 98;
animal signs and, 95; emotional
response to birdsong in, 96
“Nightingale’s Nest, The” (Clare), 100, 195;
human threat in, 102–3;
misidentification of gender in, 101
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