Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

Norris, Margot, 70–71; Beasts of the
Modern Imagination by, 202n 25
Norton Anthology of Poetry, 4
“Nun’s Priest’s Tale, The” (Chaucer):
animal as indefinable in, 37;
animalizing in, 38–39, 40, 41–42;
anthropomorphism in, 37;
blurring human-animal boundaries in,
41, 42; community in, 40–41; dream in,
37–38; general animality in, 56–57;
hierarchy and authority in, 36; in
iambic pentameter, 37; rooster in, 38,
40; self-delusion in, 40; sex in, 38–39;
women blamed in, 40

“Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat”
(Gray), 200n29; allegory in, 21, 48–49;
misogyny in, 51; voyeurism in, 50;
women as cats in, 48–50
“Ode to a Nightingale” (Keats), 95, 96–98;
as individual animal poem, 129,
“On the Present Slaughter of Feral
Animals” (Murray), 119–20
Otherness: broadening scope of, 13; in
culture, 5; in “The Jaguar,” 16; in species
poem, 89
“Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking”
(Whitman): anthropomorphism in, 133;
birdsong in, 132–33, 161; death
understood in, 133–34; speaking animal
in, 161
“Owl, The” (Stewart), 185–86

Palmeri, Frank, 30
Pangolin, 207n47; “The Pangolin,” 110–12
“Pangolin, The” (Moore), 110–12
“Pasture, The” (Frost), 135
Patriarchal oppression, 44
“Peace of Wild Things, The” (Berry), 58;
despair in, 59
Perkins, David, 126–27; on animal poetry in
romantic period, 4; on bird poetry, 129

Pets, 3; “The Cat as Cat” and, 148–49; death
of, 151–52; emotional impact of, 148;
individual animal poetry and, 123,
145–46, 148. See also Cats; Dog; Elegies,
of animals
Philosophy: animal studies in, 4, 7–8;
Derrida on, 7
Pick, Anat, 3
Pig: allegory and, 30; “Pigs,” 165–66
“Pigs” (Murray), 165–66
Platonic ideal: Coetzee and, 21–22;
poems in, 22. See also “Jaguar, The”
“Plumet Basilisk, The” (Moore), 157, 159;
doubleness in, 158
Poetic Animals and Animal Souls
(Malamud), 11–12
Poetry: absence of literary animal studies
in, 3–4; as anti-anthropocentric, 11;
Bate on, 8; culture and, 5–6; ecological
awareness and, 8; Fletcher on, 8;
hip-hop and, 6; reproduction and,
9–10; Williams on, 6–7. See also specific
Poetry and the Fate of the Senses
(Stewart), 9
Pound, Ezra, 78
“Presence: Translations from the Natural
World” (Murray), 163
“Progress of Rhyme, The” (Clare), 104–5

Raab, Lawrence, 71–72
Racism, 5; categorization and, 20; in “For
the Animals,” 72
“Raven, Sotto Voce” (Murray), 165
Regan, Tom, 121, 208n 2
Renaissance sonnet: “Lyke as a huntsman”
as, 43–45; women in, 44–45
“Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
(Coleridge), 69, 124; death in, 57;
human-animal distinction in, 57;
pantheism in, 71; self-consciousness
in, 58
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