Poetry and Animals

(Barry) #1

Wordsworth, William, 6; “Boy of
Winander” by, 127–28, 131;
consciousness for, 128; “The Green
Linnet” by, 99–100, 128; individual
animal poetry and, 127–28; “A Slumber
Did My Spirit Seal” by, 150–51; “There
Was a Boy” by, 105
Wright, James: animal as a sign for, 181; “A
Blessing” by, 147–48; The Branch Will
Not Break by, 179; “Lying in a
Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in

Pine Island, Minnesota” by, 179–81;
“The Morality of Poetry” by, 177–79
“Wryneck’s Nest, The” (Clare), 102
Wylie, Dan, 12; on elephants in southern
Africa, 13

Yeats, W. B., 63
Yoon, Carol Kaesuk, 84, 199n 37
“You’ll know Her—by Her Foot—”
(Dickinson), 105–6; misidentification
in, 107
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