HWM Singapore — May 2017

(lily) #1

HACK #1:



Ever tried taking photographs of ø owers against deep blue afternoon
sky? Expose for the ø owers and you get an overexposed sky, but
expose for the sky and you get severely underexposed ø owers.
Triston encountered just such an instance in Kyoto when he was
trying to get images of the lovely Sakura ø ower. He chose to expose for
the ø owers to also retain the textures of the clouds in the sky. What he
did next, was to import the image into Lightroom, then go to the Hue/
Saturation/Luminance (HSL) panel and select the Luminance panel. By
lowering the luminance of the blue channel, he turned the sky deep blue
while not affecting the exposure of the ø owers as these did not belong
to the blue channel.
Tristan says his next step would be to complete the edit in Photoshop;
cloning away the electric cables, parts of a rooftop and some of the
ø owers that are creeping out on the sides of the frame. His end result?
A clean and scenic shot of Sakura ø owers in full bloom.

46 +:0 | MAY 2017

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