Samsung Galaxy the Complete Manual 14th Edition

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Getting started Introducing the Samsung Galaxy

Galaxy devices are versatile micro-computers that are capable
of managing every aspect of your life – and there’s a model to
suit everyone. The Samsung Galaxy S7 is has taken over as the
company’s fl agship device, boasting exquisite design, an ultra-
responsive interface, an impeccably sharp display and lightning-
quick charging to keep it all topped up. The S7, along with the S
Edge, also runs the latest Android operating system, which crams
even more functionality into your device. But while older models of
Galaxy smartphones may be limited to the version of the Android
OS they can run, they still boast a range of great features to make
communicating and managing your life as eff ortless as possible.
If you prefer a bigger screen to work remotely or enjoy a fi lm then
the Galaxy Tab range is perfect. The dimensions of these devices
vary, and include a 10.5-inch screen down to a smaller, but no less
staggering 8.4-inch display. Finally there is the Galaxy Note range,
which is geared towards working. The Galaxy Note Edge even has a
Fig 1 of call for the latest and greatest appsThe Google Play Store is your first port curved screen, the ‘edge’ of which displays all of your notifi cations.

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