50 Wacky Things Animals Do

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Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953

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More About Arctic Walruses

Walruses live in the cold Arctic by the North Pole. Males

weighing up to 2,700 pounds (1,225 kilograms) will also

attack each other using their up to three-foot-long (.9

meter) tusks. Their thick skin comes in handy during

fights, but doesn’t always protect them from getting

hurt. They also use their tusks to cut through ice and to

get their giant bodies out of the water.

Arctic walruses are known to fight for a spot on

their favorite ice sheets—even if there’s room for

everyone. A pack of fifty or more walruses will

wrestle and push each other until only the strongest

walrus remains on the floating island. The winner

basks in the sun all by itself.

Ice Kings

Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953
WKY1 50 Wacky Animals_Interior.indd 61 22/12/16 11:58

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