50 Wacky Things Animals Do

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Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953

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Gas Passers

Did you hear that? The herring communicates by

passing gas. They blow bubbles out of their rear ends.

However, unlike our gas, theirs doesn’t drive friends

away—it brings them closer. The herring hear the toots

and use the sound to draw closer together at night.

Scientists have called this method of communication

Fast Repetitive Tick... FART for short.

More About Herring

Herring often live together in large groups, called

schools, and can be found in the northern Atlantic and

Pacific Oceans. They are a source of food for bigger fish,

seabirds, dolphins, whales, seals, and humans.

Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953
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