50 Wacky Things Animals Do

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Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953

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Nine Lives

Cats have been said to have nine lives. Maybe it’s

because they can survive falls from great heights

and rarely seem to get hurt. Cats have good

balance, and they are usually awesome climbers.

But sometimes they tumble. Cats fall from trees, off

balconies, and out of windows. But somehow our

furry friends always land on their feet.

More About Cats

Cats have what’s called a righting reflex. This allows

them to twist in midair when falling. Cats also spread

out their legs to create a parachute shape with their

bodies. This slows them down and gives them time to

twist and land on their feet.

Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953
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