50 Wacky Things Animals Do

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Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953

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Unlikely Friends

Would you let a bunch of birds hang out all day on

your back? Rhinoceroses are perfectly happy giving

oxpeckers a free ride. Oxpecker birds eat parasites

off the rhinoceros. This keeps the rhinoceros

healthy, and the oxpecker birds don’t have to look

hard for food—it’s right on top of the rhino’s skin!

More About Rhinoceroses

Rhinoceroses live in Africa and Asia. The oxpecker

and rhinoceros enjoy a symbiotic relationship, which

means they live together, and each animal gets

something good from the other. Oxpeckers will also

hiss and scream if they see a predator coming. This

gives rhinos time to react.

Job:11945 Title: WKY1 50 Wacky Animals 9781633222953
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