Stuff UK — June 2017

(ff) #1

ow do you follow one of
the finest gaming trilogies
of the last decade? The
answer, if you’re BioWare, is to do
more of the same... only bigger.
Andromeda stands apart from
the previous games in the series in
that it occurs in a different galaxy.
Six-hundred years after humanity
banded together with the other
alien races of the Milky Way
and sent a fleet of ships on a
mission to find a new home in
Andromeda, this rag-tag band
finds itself in the Heleus Cluster,

where the glorious future of the
‘Golden Worlds’ awaits.
Of course, these worlds turn out
to be anything but golden – and the
Cluster turns out to be the home of
the Scourge: the biggest, most evil
candyfloss ever.
You spearhead the reclaiming
of these blasted worlds through a
series of missions – from restoring
peace with other species to
exploring the Remnant Vaults.
These alien tech systems need
to be discovered and investigated
to progress both the story and the

chance of outpost survival, and
BioWare has done a great job of
making each Vault interaction a
unique joy.
The one real flaw? Andromeda
has some of the worst character
models we’ve seen in recent years.
The human facial animations are
a mixed bag between ‘acceptable’
and ‘I cannot believe this has made
it into the final game’.
Thankfully, the graphics as a
whole are stunning – breathtaking,
in fact. Combat is highly enjoyable
too, with an organic cover system

and an AI system that makes your
squad more feisty. Also of note
are a new jump mechanic and an
improved conversation wheel.
Despite its flaws, then, this is a
must-buy. It’s a vast game, with a
vast tapestry of play on the cards
and vast potential for character
development. Yes, the graphical
bugs are a frustrating presence
in a package that’s otherwise
completely immersive, but the
rest of the game does enough
to ultimately overcome them.
Colin Tate

STUFF SAYS The litchiest Mass Effect to date, but also the bi est and most beautiful +++++

Space’s greatest action RPG is back – and on a much grander scale than
any of its predecessors – but can it really live up to the original trilogy?


Xbox One, PS4, PC /^

Mass Effect:


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