Stuff UK — June 2017

(ff) #1


● Popcorn

Popcorn applies the Tinder
formula to movies: rather than
ogling people in their swimsuits,
you can unearth interesting films.
So you browse lists like ‘best
movies set on boats’, ‘Nordic
noir films’, or even the ‘17 worst
Adam Sandler movies’, flicking
cards left to mercilessly discard
them, or right to hurl them
at your watchlist. Embedded
trailers help when you’re being
indecisive, making Popcorn a
fantastic alternative if you’re
sick of standard charts.

Stuff says ++++,
£free / iOS

If you ever looked at Monument
Valley and thought you could do
better at fashioning Escher-like
faux-3D worlds that make your
eyes go funny, this is your app.
With a drawing system not unlike
dragging elastic bands across
pins, Isolad feels very different
from its competition. It’s also
very stripped back, to the point
that you might feel hemmed
in. Still, selection and layer tools
are on the way, and what’s there
already is enough for anyone to
create an isometric masterpiece.

Stuff says ++++,
£2.99 / iPad

● Euclidean Lands
To describe Euclidean Lands as
a mind-bending puzzler doesn’t
do it justice. This gorgeous game
uses the best bits of Hitman
GO’s turn-based ‘clockwork’
puzzling and insta-deaths as
a foundation, slaps on the same
Monument Valley aesthetic as
Isolad, adds quite a lot of stabby
violence, and wraps the whole
lot around a Rubik’s Cube in
space that’s frequently struck
by lightning. Despite the obvious
nods to other games the result is
a unique, intoxicating adventure.

Stuff says +++++
£3.99 / iOS

● The Escapists
This mobile port of the PC prison-
break game requires a great deal
of patience, brainpower and wits
if you’re going to perform a great
escape. After a quick tutorial,
it dumps you in its cell-block
sandbox to work out what to do
next. Over time, you learn prison
routines, opportune moments to
pilfer things, and that a cup, some
chocolate and a lighter make for a
surprisingly vicious weapon. Just
don’t get complacent or you’ll be
shivved in the shower and duffed
up by guards.

Stuff says ++++,
£3.99 / iOS, Android




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