Stuff UK — June 2017

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Q Game Pi
There’s plenty of power
here to emulate classic old
games. Retropie hides the
command line code, letting
you plug in a USB controller
and scroll through consoles
like the Atari 2600 and
Sega Mega Drive.

Q NOOBS for noobs
All that code can be a
bit daunting, but getting
started is as easy as pie
(the edible kind) with
NOOBS. Stick the installer
on an SD card and you’ll
get a choice of Pi operating
systems to download.

Q Need ya media?
If you’ve got a more
modern media itch, let
RasPlex scratch it. This
free download turns the
Pi Zero W into a streamer
that organises your files
and can play back Full HD
video on the big screen.

Q Diddy desktop
If you’re just after a mini
computer, your best bet
is Raspbian – a cut-down
version of Linux. It’s good
for web browsing, text
editing and even a bit of
Minecraft, and has plenty
of online tech support.

The point of the Pi Zero W is to be as flexible as you
want it to be. But what do you actually do with it?

Processor BCM2835 system-on-chip @ 1GHz
Storage microSD card slot
Connectivity 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
2x microUSB, miniHDMI
Dimensions 65x30x5mm, 9g

The Pi Zero was already a fantastic
entry into pro
– wireless
add-ons make it even better

Full HD video plays nice and
smoothly – no issues here.

Not having to attach stuff with wires
means you can use this Pi anywhere.

...but for crunching numbers, it’s as
much as 10 times slower than a Pi 3.

Don’t have a Bluetooth keyboard?
You might need a powered USB hub.

Why buy Wi-Fi Pi, fly guy?

Tech specs

4 Pi filling
Let’s be honest: the 1GHz CPU
is not fast. Compared to the
Pi 3’s quad-core Cortex-A53,
it’s positively sluggish – even
media-heavy web pages can
slow it down significantly – but
it still puts in a great showing for
a sub-£10 micro-PC.

5 Pi recipes
There’s ample power here to
control your smart home kit.
Temperature sensors to keep
an eye on greenhouse plants,
doorbell cameras, news tickers...
there are hundreds of projects
already online, with step-by-step
guides on how to make them.

And it certainly has enough graphical
grunt to play retro games.

It might be nearly twice the price of
the original Pi Zero, but the Zero W
is still fantastic value. With no need
to mess about with dongles and
USB hubs, your Pi projects can be
squeezed into much smaller places, and you
can control them remotely. The Pi 3 will be
more useful for big projects, but for smaller
stuff this is as good as it gets. @TomMorgan3
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