Gadgets Philippines – May 2017

(Romina) #1

30 MAY 2017

Sarah Geronimo


Alden Richards

They say third time’s the charm, and certainly we
are lucky to have Popstar Royalty grace our cover
once more. And this time, in an unlikely pairing
with the noontime heartthrob himself, Alden
Richards. It is a tandem only in the depths of the
interweb’s fanfiction communities would you
hear about, but the good folks at OPPO made it
happen, and it actually works.

When Sarah isn’t slaying at sold out shows or
starring in blockbuster hits, and when Alden
isn’t busy melting hearts on TV or on the screen,
both like to enjoy the vacation season with
friends. Whether it’s somewhere exotic, or just
stay-cationing somewhere in the city, they have
the F3 and F3 Plus to capture great moments in
stunning clarity and take more of the scenery in
with the wide angle feature.
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