Gadgets Philippines – May 2017

(Romina) #1 MAY 2017 85

Words by Gerry Gaviola

Cellular towers and Wi-Fi networks can fail,
especially during natural disasters. Thankfully,
the effectiveness of FireChat doesn’t rely on the
signals of these towers. FireChat works even
without an internet connection or cellular signal.
The makers of the application, Open Garden
Inc., integrated FireChat with the innovative
technology of multi-hop and store-and-forward
capabilities. Creating a mesh network by
using Bluetooth and peer-to-peer technology,
the application is able to provide messaging
capabilities between devices as long as they are
within 200 feet of range.

In the mesh network, encrypted messages are
transmitted to one device from another until it

is reached by the intended receiver. However,
when an internet connection or cellular network
is available, Firechat uses these connections to
reach recipients.

One thing to take note of is that the application’s
effectiveness relies heavily on the density of the
users. Since it uses peer-to-peer technology, the
more people use the application, the better the
service gets.

Already used globally, FireChat has aided
countries such as India and Mexico in times of
natural disasters. The application is free of charge
and is available in the Google Playstore and in
Apple’s Appstore.

It’s better to be prepared than sorry. In this month alone, four strong earthquakes shook the country. Phivolcs has
already appealed to fellow Filipinos to prepare for the inevitable 7.2 magnitude earthquake that’s to come when
the West Valley Vault moves. When that happens, FireChat, a messaging app that works without data or Wi-Fi, may
be the solution when attempting to contact your loved ones.

Emergency Messaging


Without Data or Wifi

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