Groovy for Domain-specific Languages - Second Edition

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Chapter 5

[ 91 ]

when: "we invoke a method that accepts a String and a Closure"
closureMethodString("Dolly") { name ->
println "Hello, $name"
then: "the Closure passed in was executed with the parameter"
"""Greet someone
Hello, Dolly""" == output()

This construct can be used in circumstances where we have a look-up code that
needs to be executed before we can have access to an object. Say we have customer
records that need to be retrieved from a database before we can use them:

def withCustomer (id, Closure c) {
def cust = getCustomerRecord(id)

withCustomer(12345) { customer ->
println "Found customer ${}"

We can write an updateCustomer method that saves the customer record after
the closure is invoked, and amend our locked method to implement transaction
isolation on the database, as follows:

class Customer {
String name
def locked (Closure c) {
println "Transaction lock"
println "Transaction release"

def update (customer, Closure c) {
println "Customer name was ${}"
println "Customer name is now ${}"

def customer = new Customer(name: "Fred")
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