Groovy for Domain-specific Languages - Second Edition

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Introduction to DSLs and Groovy

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[fileUnder: Software Development, title: Groovy for DSL, author: Fergal

Groovy for DSL

Groovy for DSL


Closures are one of the most powerful language features in Groovy. Closures are
anonymous code fragments that can be assigned to a variable. Closures can be
invoked by the call method as follows:

def biggest = { number1, number2 ->
// We can invoke the call method of the Closure class
def result =, 1)
println result
// We can use the closure reference as if it were a method
result = biggest(3, 5)
println result
// And with optional parenthesis
result = biggest 13, 1
println result

Closures can contain multiple statements and can therefore be as complex as you
like. In the following example, we iterate through a list looking for the biggest
number, and return it when we are done:

def listBiggest = { list ->
def biggest = list[0]
for( i in list)
if( i > biggest)
biggest = i
return biggest
def numberList = [ 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 9]
println listBiggest( numberList)
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