Groovy for Domain-specific Languages - Second Edition

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Groovy Quick Start

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Eclipse was the first Java IDE to have Groovy support integrated through the
Groovy-Eclipse plugin. You can install the Groovy-Eclipse plugin from the update
site at

The Groovy-Eclipse plugin has full support for source-level Groovy editing with
syntax highlighting, auto completion, and refactoring.

Spring STS

If you don't want the hassle of managing individual plugins in your Eclipse
installation, then it's worth downloading and installing the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite

IntelliJ IDEA

All the latest versions of IntelliJ IDEA have excellent built-in support for Groovy,
including excellent support for Grails, Gradle, and Spock. For the purpose of most of
the examples in this book, the free Community Edition of IntelliJ IDEA is sufficient
for your needs.

Other IDEs and editors

Other IDEs with Groovy support are JDeveloper and JEdit. In addition, many
of the popular program editors, such as TextMate and UltraEdit, also now have
Groovy support. There is even a plugin available to download for Emacs.
Check out for a full list of available
plugins, and extensive instructions on setting up and running Groovy in your
preferred environment.


In this chapter, I gave you all the tools to get started with the Groovy language, but
we have barely touched the language itself. Whatever your own personal preference
for an operating system or IDE, you should now be ready to start coding.

In the next chapter, we will start to look at some of the essential Groovy DSLs that
are available. Gradle is a Groovy-based build and dependency management tool.
Spock is a Groovy-based unit testing framework that used DSL syntax to implement
behavior-driven development (BDD) syntax into your tests.
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