Groovy for Domain-specific Languages - Second Edition

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Chapter 3

[ 49 ]

Fixture blocks

Sometimes, we will have fixture data which is specific to a feature method and is not
something we want to be shared across multiple feature methods. Spock provides
setup: and cleanup: for this purpose.

def "Fixtures can be in blocks too"() {
orig = System.out
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
System.setOut(new PrintStream(out))
binding = new Binding()
shell = new GroovyShell(binding)
and: "we have a Hello World script"
def script = new
when: "we run the script"
shell.evaluate script
then: "the script outputs the correct details"
"Hello, World!" == output()

Note that the setup: block is synonymous with given: and can often be
used interchangeably.

Testing Gradle using Spock

We started out the chapter by describing some of the features of Gradle. If we
take test-driven development (TDD) seriously, it should be possible to assert any
expected outcome using a test tool. As it happens, it is not difficult to use Spock to
verify the assertions we made earlier about how Gradle itself works. Consider the
following feature method:

def "hello task says Hello, World!"() {
given: "we have a gradle build command"
def command = "gradle -q -b hello.gradle hello"
when: "we run the build command"
def proc = command.execute()
then: "the script outputs the correct details"
"Hello, World!" ==
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