Chapter 4 ■ an IntroduCtIon to Game desIGn: Game desIGn ConCepts, Genres, enGInes, and teChnIques
Java Engines: Game, Physics, and Inverse Kinematic
There are a number of open source third-party game engines, physics and collision engines, AI engines, and
even inverse (or forward) kinematics (IK) engines that can easily be found on the Internet. Most of these are
on SourceForge or GitHub or on and can be found using a basic Google search. Most of
these come in JAR format.
Game Engines: JMonkey and the Lightweight Java Game Library
LWJG L is an open source, cross-platform Java library that is useful for the development of 3D graphics
(OpenGL), 3D audio (OpenAL), and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications (Figure 4-1). API access is
direct and high-performance yet also wrapped in a type-safe layer appropriate for Java ecosystems. Other
high-level 3D game engines may also make use of LWJGL.
Figure 4-1. The Lightweight Java Game Library 3 is an open source Java game library compatible with Java
and JavaFX