Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1

Chapter 15 ■ 3D Gameplay UI CreatIon: UsInG the sphere prImItIve to Create a UI noDe

Open the Pro_Java_9_Games_Development_Texture_Maps GIMP XCF file and select the Te xt tool,
shown in a red box in Figure 15-5. Set your Te xt options to use Arial Heavy, set Font Size to 48 , and select
Antialiasing. Click the Color swatch and select White, and type a capital S over the middle of the green
stripe, as shown in Figure 15-5. Right-click the S layer and select the Duplicate Layer tool, set your Text
tool Color swatch to Black, and select the S in yellow, as is shown in Figure 15-5; then type in a capital P
to replace the S. You can use the Move tool (four connected arrows) to move the text element, using the
right arrow key, so that it stays precisely aligned with the S. Center it in the white stripe and then repeat the
process for the I and the N text elements until you have created the word SPIN.

Figure 15-5. Create the word SPIN twice on your beach ball texture map to create your animated spinner
texture map

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