Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1

Chapter 16 ■ 3D Game animation Creation: UsinG the animation transition Classes

Figure 16-5 shows the Run ➤ Project work process, with a game board in the middle of its rotation
cycle. A screenshot cannot show the smooth motion, but you can tell the game board is not at one of its four
quadrant “at rest” positions (45, 135, 225, 315 degrees) because the point of the game board is not centered
at the bottom of the screen. In Figure 16-5 I hit a PrintScreen key while the 3D gameBoard Group Node was
still animating.

Figure 16-4. Configure the rotGameBoard object with a LINEAR interpolator, a fromAngle of 45, and a
toAngle of 1125

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