Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java
Game Board Quadrant: Creating Game Quadrant Content (GIMP)
I’ll be showing you the work process used in GIMP to create one of the game board texture assets (a parrot
for your Animal quadrant) so that the chapter does not balloon to hundreds of pages, as you ultimately
need to create hundreds of image assets for your 24 game board elements). Let’s fire up GIMP (currently at
version 2.8.22) and create a new image composite to use to develop content textures! To start your quadrant
(and game board square) texture map layer compositing construct, simply launch GIMP and use a File ➤
Open menu sequence to open the gameboardquad1.png file in your /NetBeansProjects/JavaFXGame/src/
folder. This will make it the bottom-most layer, as shown on the left side (highlighted in blue) of Figure 18-1.
Open the other three gameboardquad texture maps, as shown as three tabs on the top right of Figure 18-1.
Select each tab, use the Select ➤ All menu sequence, and then use Edit ➤ Copy. Click the first tab, which
contains your multilayer composite, and use the Edit ➤ Paste As ➤ New Layer menu sequence to add these
three layers above the first (orange) one, as shown on the left side of Figure 18-1. Rename these layers to
gameboardquad with a dash and the words animal, vegetable, mineral, and other, as shown in Figure 18-1.
With the fourth (pink, topmost) layer selected, use the File ➤ Open as Layers menu sequence and add the
SteelHoop.png 24-bit image file to the top layer of the composite, giving the result shown in the preview
area in Figure 18-1. Now, let’s find an animal image online we can use inside of the texture’s steel hoop area.
Figure 18-1. Create a quadrant texture composite with four quadrant diffuse color maps; then add a steel
decorative hoop