Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java
Since the imagery varies in pixel size, I simply find an even multiple of a target 432-pixel
square image size needed for each quadrant’s center area and set the Rectangle Select tool for that. Once
the selection square is set, you drag it around by its interior area to fine-tune its position to show the
maximum content inside of it. Then use an Edit ➤ Copy menu sequence to copy the data to the Clipboard
and then a File ➤ Create ➤ From Clipboard menu sequence to create the new square image, shown in
Figure 18-4, which we will downsample by five times, to 432x432. This is done using the Image ➤ Scale
Image menu sequence to open the Scale Image dialog, where you’ll replace 2160 with 432 (keeping the
aspect ratio locked) and click the Scale button.
Figure 18-3. Set the Rectangle Select tool’s Size properties to 2160x2160 and then drag the selection into an
optimal position