Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 18 ■ 3D Gameplay DesiGn: CreatinG your Game Content usinG Gimp anD Java

Figure 18-8. Once you delete the corners, you have a perfect compositing result and are ready to rotate the
parrot 45 degrees

The next thing that needs to be done is to rotate the Clipboard (Parrot) layer by 45 degrees, which
should be seamless since the parrot imagery has been centered and rounded using a math-based work
process. Since your Clipboard layer is still selected, all you have to do is to select Layer ➤ Transform ➤
Arbitrary Rotation, which is shown in Figure 18-8, and open the Rotate dialog, as shown in Figure 18-9.

Figure 18-9. Rotate the parrot 45 degrees using a Rotate dialog so that it is upright for the game board
quadrant spin

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