Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1
Chapter 19 ■ Game Content enGine: ai LoGiC with random Content SeLeCtion methodS

int pickS4 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS4 == 0){diffuse4 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS4 == 1){diffuse4 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS4 == 2){diffuse4 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
int pickS5 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS5 == 0){diffuse5 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS5 == 1){diffuse5 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS5 == 2){diffuse5 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}

Next, use your Run ➤ Project work process and test your code, and you will see in Figure 19-8 that the
NetBeans Output Pane shows that the angle offset left in the quadrantLanding variable after the first click on
the spinner UI was 45, which I would initially take to be (set in the original code) as quadrant 1, as you can
see in my original code in Figure 19-6.

Figure 19-7. Create the image load and texture map change logic in the populateQuadrantOne() method
based on random number selected

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