Chapter 19 ■ Game Content enGine: ai LoGiC with random Content SeLeCtion methodS
Select the Java code in populateQuadrantOne() and copy and paste it into populateQuadrantTwo,
changing the 1 through 5 values to be 6 through 10 for the pick integer name and the object names but not
for the file names, as is shown in Figure 19-11.
int pickS6 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS6 == 0){diffuse6 = new Image("/gamesquare1bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS6 == 1){diffuse6 = new Image("/gamesquare1bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS6 == 2){diffuse6 = new Image("/gamesquare1bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
int pickS7 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS7 == 0){diffuse7 = new Image("/gamesquare2bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS7 == 1){diffuse7 = new Image("/gamesquare2bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS7 == 2){diffuse7 = new Image("/gamesquare2bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
int pickS8 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS8 == 0){diffuse8 = new Image("/gamesquare3bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS8 == 1){diffuse8 = new Image("/gamesquare3bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS8 == 2){diffuse8 = new Image("/gamesquare3bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
int pickS9 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS9 == 0){diffuse9 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS9 == 1){diffuse9 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS9 == 2){diffuse9 = new Image("/gamesquare4bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
int pickS10 = random.nextInt(3);
if (pickS10 == 0){diffuse10 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird0.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS10 == 1){diffuse10 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird1.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
if (pickS10 == 2){diffuse10 = new Image("/gamesquare5bird2.png", 256, 256, true, true, true);}
Figure 19-10. Your logic now works, as evidenced by the Output Pane’s 315 value and the correct quadrant