Chapter 20 ■ Coding gameplay: Set Up gameplay methodS and animated Camera View
We also added a few more Animation objects into your setupAnimationAssets() method, to continue
to add some cool “wow” factor, including a key animation that takes the player from a “global” game board
spin select mode into a more “local” game board content gameplay mode. Later in the book, we’ll of course
reverse this animation, when the answer and scoring are completed, and animate back to the more oblique
view that is needed to review the game board spin optimally.
In Chapter 21 , you are going to develop additional gameplay code infrastructure that will handle what
happens when the player clicks (selects) the game square content. This means going back to developing
more 2D game elements to hold the question and answer content that will pop up and overlay the unused
portions of the 3D game board. As you can see, developing a professional Java 9 game is a huge amount of
programming work!