Pro Java 9 Games Development Leveraging the JavaFX APIs

(Michael S) #1

Chapter 23 ■ Completing the gameplay Code and player proofing your event handling

Since we don’t want this Button visible until after a player has selected their answer, we set againButton
to be invisible on startup. To do this we use a .setVisible(false) method call off againButton in the top of the
start() method after the createBoardGameNodes() method call. This looks like the following code, which is
shown highlighted in Figure 23-19:


Next, add the againButton.setVisible(true); Java statement to the end of each Button.setOnAction()
construct to turn on the Let’s Play Again Button visibility, as shown highlighted in yellow and blue in
Figure 23-20.

Figure 23-19. Set your againButton visibility to false in the start() method, after the createBoardGameNodes()

Figure 23-20. Call againButton.setVisible(true); at end of each answer Button event handler, after
buttonClick = false;

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