Chapter 24 ■ Optimizing game assets and COde, and game prOfiling Using netBeans
I use the maximum allowed 256 colors (0 through 255) by selecting the Generate Optimum Palette
radio button, shown in the far-left dialog in Figure 24-3, along with the normal Floyd-Steinberg color
dithering algorithm. Then I click the Convert button on the lower right of the dialog. To export the 8-bit
image to the /src/8bit/ folder, use the GIMP File ➤ Export As menu sequence, double-click the 8bit folder
(shown highlighted in the second panel in Figure 24-3), and click the Export button (keeping the 24-bit
filename the same, as highlighted in the third panel).
Figure 24-2. Use a File ➤ Open menu sequence to open a texture map and use Image ➤ Mode ➤ Indexed to
convert it to 8-bit