Chapter 24 ■ Optimizing game assets and COde, and game prOfiling Using netBeans
As you can see in Figure 24-4, if we zoom into the second quadrant on one image (gamequad1bird1.png)
after we convert it to 8-bit indexed color, you can clearly see the dithering in the background, in the beak,
and in the steel hoop. Interestingly, when you use the image as a texture map (zoomed out), you cannot see
this dithering! I’ll show you this later in the chapter (in Figures 24-26 and 24-27) when we implement these
changes in the Java code.
Figure 24-3. Set the conversion to 256-color Floyd-Steinberg, convert, and save in the /src/8bit folder with the
same file name
Figure 24-4. Click the Magnify Glass (Zoom) Tool and zoom in 300 percent (three times) to see the color
dithering algorithm