
(WallPaper) #1

ages of emergence, but the ability to fly is
much lower for the parasitoids that were
stored for 16 days (Fig. 12.3). This test was
done with the short-range flight cylinder as
described in Chapter 19. Storage during the
adult stage leads to even higher and faster
reduction in fitness than with storage of
immatures. The pupal stage seems to be
most suitable for short-term storage.
Data on long-term storage of natural ene-
mies or their hosts are limited. Host material
(e.g. eggs of Sitotroga cerealellaand Grapholita
lineatum) stored for long periods (in the case
of Grapholitafor up to 5 years) in liquid nitro-
gen could still be used for production of
Trichogrammaand Trissolcus simoni, respec-
tively (Gennadiev and Khilistovskii, 1980).
Eggs of Ephestia kuehniellacan be sterilized
by ultraviolet (UV) radiation or freezing, and
then be stored at low temperature for several
months without losing their value as alterna-
tive food for mass production of predators
such asChrysoperlaand Orius.

The parasitoid Diglyphus isaea can be
stored at a low temperature for at least 2
months, during which time mortality does
not increase and fecundity remains the
same (Burgio and Nicoli, 1994). Hagvar and
Hofsvang (1991) reported that some species
of Aphidiidae (e.g. Aphidius matricariae) can
be stored at low temperatures for several
The possibility of storing beneficials in
the diapausing stage has been studied, but
most of this work has not yet led to practical
application, because unacceptably high mor-
tality occurred during the artificially induced
diapause. There are, however, some positive
exceptions. Diapausing adults of the preda-
tor Chrysoperla carneacan be stored at a low
temperature for about 30 weeks while main-
taining an acceptable level of survival and
reproduction activity (Tauber et al., 1993).
Also the predator Orius insidiosusmaintains
good longevity and reproduction rate after
storage in diapause for up to 8 weeks

184 J.C. van Lenteren and M.G. Tommasini

Sow tobacco seeds in pots
in greenhouse

ReleaseEncarsia formosa
to parasitize whiteflies

Harvest part of the leaves
with black pupae

1st generation of E.
formosa, remove black
pupae from leaves, ship
to grower

Unparasitized whiteflies
emerge, fly to upper leaves of
tobacco plants and oviposit

Harvest part of the
leaves with black pupae

2nd generation ofE.
formosa, remove from
leaves and ship

Harvest part of the leaves
with black pupae

3rd generation of E.
formosa, remove from
leaves and ship

All developments take place on same tobacco plants in same
greenhouse for several months

4–8 weeks

2–3 weeks

2–3 weeks

2–3 weeks

2–3 weeks

2–3 weeks

1–2 weeks

1–2 weeks 1–2 weeks


2–3 weeks


Release whitefly adults to
infest tobacco plants
E. formosa emerge from
black pupae, move up in plant
and parasitize whitefly

E. formosa emerge from
black pupae, move up in plant
and parasitize whitefly

Unparasitized whiteflies emerge,
fly to upper leaves of tobacco
plants and oviposit

Fig. 12.2.‘Continuous’ production scheme for the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa.

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