
(WallPaper) #1

onwards. It should not be delayed until
problems occur. Introducing field-collected
insects into mass rearing also poses risks of
introduction of parasitoids, predators or
pathogens into the colony (Bartlett, 1984b).
Another effect of laboratory colonization
can be inbreeding – mating of relatives and
production of progeny that are more geneti-
cally homozygous than when random mat-
ing occurs in large populations. Genetically
homozygous individuals often expose harm-
ful traits. The degree of inbreeding is directly
related to the size of the founder population.
Because artificial selection in the laboratory
often results in an initial decrease in popula-
tion size, the rate of inbreeding increases.
The result is often a definite and rapid effect
on the genetic composition of the laboratory
population (Bartlett, 1984b). Inbreeding can
be prevented by various methods that main-
tain genetic variability (Joslyn, 1984), includ-
ing the following:

1.Precolonization methods: selection and
pooling of founder insects from throughout
the range of the species to provide a wide
representation of the gene pool, resulting in
a greater fitness of the laboratory material.
2.Postcolonization methods:
a. Variable laboratory environments
(variation over time and space). Although
the concept of varying laboratory condi-
tions is simple, putting it into practice is
difficult. Consider for example the invest-
ments for rearing facilities with varying
temperatures, humidities and light

regimes, or the creation of possibilities to
choose from various diets or hosts, or the
provision of space for dispersal, etc.
b. Gene infusion: the regular rejuvenation
of the gene pool with wild insects.

A fundamental question concerning inbreed-
ing is: how large must the population size be
to keep genetic variation sufficiently large?
Joslyn (1984) says that, to maintain sufficient
heterogeneity, a colony should not decline
below the number of founder insects. The
larger the colony, the better. Very few data
are available about effective population size;
Joslyn (1984) mentions a minimum number
of 500 individuals.
The above discussion suggests several cri-
teria to be considered before a mass-rearing
colony is started (Table 1.3, after Bartlett,

A broader approach to quality control

Chambers and Ashley (1984), Leppla and
Fisher (1989) and Leppla (Chapter 2) put
quality control in a much wider perspective.
These papers are food for thought for all
engaged in mass production of beneficial
arthropods. They present some refreshing
and, for most entomologists, new ideas.
These authors approach quality control from
the industrial side and consider three ele-
ments as essential: product control, process
control and production control. Product con-
trol rejects faulty products and production

10 J.C. van Lenteren

Table 1.3. Criteria to be considered before starting a mass-rearing programme.

1.The effective number of parents at the start of a mass rearing is much lower than the
number of founder individuals, so start with a large population
2.Compensate for density-dependent phenomena
3.Create a proper balance of competition, but avoid overcrowding
4.Set environmental conditions for the best, not the worst or average, genotype; use
fluctuating abiotic conditions
5.Maintain separate laboratory strains and cross them systematically to increase F 1
6.Measure frequencies of biochemical and morphological markers in founder populations
and monitor changes
7.Develop morphological and biochemical genetic markers for population studies
8.Determine the standards that apply to the intended use of the insects, and then adapt
rearing procedures to maximize those values in the domesticated strain
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