
(WallPaper) #1

guidelines, a standard of 0.50 (i.e. 50%
females) is required. The estimated confi-
dence interval at a 5% probability level is
[0.460 – 1.96 × 0.022; 0.460 + 1.96 × 0.022],
which results in [0.417; 0.503] or, in terms of
percentages, [41.7%; 50.3%]. The calculated
confidence interval of the sample includes
the standard value of 0.50. So the conclusion
is that the estimated sex ratio is not signifi-
cantly different from the standard value,
although it is somewhat lower.

Studying the Correlation Between Two

Quantitative Traits

Usually, more than a single quantitative trait
is quantified with data from one sample, and
there are more accurate statistical methods
available than the ones described above to
handle several traits simultaneously. In this
chapter, only methods for simultaneously
handling two quantitative traits will be pre-
sented. When the two quantified traits are
regular quantitative values measured simulta-
neously on each individual of the sample, it is
possible to check if there is a significant rela-
tionship between them. For this, the covari-
ance of the population has to be estimated
first from all the observations of the sample.
This is done using the following equation:

Using the obtained value, the linear corre-
lation between the two quantified traits is

where xand yare the standard deviations
of the variables xand y, respectively.
A bivariate plot is used for a graphical
representation, with one trait on the xaxis,
and the other on the yaxis. Each point corre-
sponds to an observation in the sample.
Sometimes, a bivariate confidence interval

can be added to the graph (i.e. ellipse), but
special statistical computer programs are
needed for this (see example below). As can
be seen in Fig. 20.3, the correlation coefficient
ranges from –1 to +1. A value of –1 indicates
that there is a strictly negative linear rela-
tionship between the two traits. A value of
+1 indicates a strictly positive linear relation-
ship. A value of zero shows the absence of
any relationship. Intermediate values corre-
spond to intermediate situations.
It is important to determine whether the
correlation is significant. This can be done by
calculating twith the following formula:

where nis the sample size. If the computed
value is larger than 1.96, there is a significant
relationship between the two traits studied,
at a probability level of 5%. Again, this test is
valid only if the sample size is at least 30. For
QC problems, such a statistical procedure
can be very useful. Indeed, the existence of a
significant relationship between two quanti-
tative traits can lead to a decision to quantify
only one of them, thus saving both time and

Working example: are longevity and
fecundity correlated in Trichogramma?

Thirty mated T. brassicaefemales are isolated
in test tubes with more than 200 E. kuehniella
eggs as hosts, for 7 days. Then both the num-
ber of parasitized (i.e. black) eggs (i.e. fecun-
dity, expressed in eggs per female) and the
number of days females remained alive (i.e.
longevity, expressed in days) are quantified.
The recorded data for the 30 females were as
in Table 20.1.
From these data, the following descriptive
statistics can be computed: (i) n= 30; (ii) x–=
19.3 days and y– = 99.93 eggs; (iii) x= 4.921
days and y= 17.836 eggs; and (iv) covari-
ance = 51.469. The correlation coefficient is
thus: 51.469/(4.921 ×17.836) = 0.586, and the
corresponding tvalue is:



















covariance =

()− ×−()


∑xx yy





310 E. Wajnberg

0 586 30 2 1 0 586./..,^22 ×−( ) ( − )= 3 83
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